Sunnyside Lane Hobby Farm

Welcome to Sunnyside Lane Hobby Farm is dedicated to helping people create small, self-sustaining farms. It offers resources for growing food, making preserves, crafting handmade goods, and living independently, providing practical, economical tips for healthy, fulfilling farm life.

About Sunnysidelane – Sunnyside Lane Hobby Farm is a two-fold project to benefit those who wish to have a small farm, sometimes called a hobby farm, and/or those who wish to be self-sustaining and independent of grocery stores, power grids, and the hustle and hassle of hand to mouth living. Those who enjoy providing for themselves and their families the results of their labors such as vegetables and fruits, jellies and relishes, handcrafts and hobby gifts will find these pages a delightful resource for economical suggestions for keeping a small farm or family growing healthily.

Among the articles published will be hints on better budgeting, lessons on making do and making new, quilt making, poultry guides for both raising and cooking, soap making, and general homestead advice. 

Water Bath Canning Essentials: A Water Bath Canning Guide and Recipes (The Homesteading Series)

Water Bath Canning Essentials: A Water Bath Canning Guide and Recipes offers the beginning canner a guide into the world of canning.

Boiling water bath canning has been a traditional method for preserving fresh foods for centuries. Imagine having your prepper pantry filled with delectable jams, jellies, preserves, and other goodies for your family for any crisis or just for the pleasure of giving your family the best.

Water Bath Canning is the simplest way to create shelf-stable foods in your own kitchen. Preserve the harvest from your garden or those items purchased during a sale at your local store or produce stand by following this simple guide to mastering the simple step-by-step water bath canning guide. In this book, you will find several recipes and how to create delicious shelf-stable foods you can enjoy for years.

For all those who want to break the rules, Water Bath Canning Essentials: A Water Bath Canning Guide and Recipes book includes a few rebel canning recipes too. Enjoy!

Life on Sunnyside Lane: Farm Adventures, Animal Care & Gardening Tips | YouTube Video

Welcome to Sunnyside Lane Hobby Farm! Join us as we share the joys of farm life, animal care, gardening tips, and sustainable living. Subscribe for weekly updates and farm adventures!