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Adventures in Ordering Hatching Quail Eggs From Wolfe’s Quail Farm

Wachteleier, ovus Coturnix sp., eggs of quail

Wachteleier, ovus Coturnix sp., eggs of quail (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We are trying our hand at raising Quail this year. We have one Texas A & M and about 20 regular size Coturnix. However, today we just received a shipment of 50 hatching Jumbo Coturnix Quail from Wolfe’s Quail Farm in McDavid, Florida. Although, I was a little reluctant to order eggs online and have them mailed to us, so I decided only to order 50 eggs this time. Since we are so new at this, I had many questions for Dianna Wolfe, owner of Wolfe’s Quail Farm about the whole ordeal.

Of course, my first thought was; how will the eggs appear once they arrive? Dianna wraps each little Quail egg in bubble wrap, and then places the eggs on top of shredded newspaper. Once every egg is securely wrapped in bubble wrap, she stuffs the box with a thick layer of shredded newspaper.

The next question that popped into my head was; what is next? How do I hatch them? This was her reply, “Well for the incubation process…it takes 17 days for them to hatch. Keep the temp at 100 degrees the whole time. The humidity should be between 51 and 60% during the first 15 days. Then raise the humidity to between 70 to 75% on day 15. I keep a 100 watt light bulb on mine for heat for about 3 weeks. I feed mine 28% protein Home Grown Brand game bird starter for the first 5 to 6 weeks then after that Purina Game Bird Chow Breeder/Layer 20% protein for the duration for my breeder birds and the same brand but finisher if I am going to butcher them. You can butcher them at 10 weeks old.”

They, also, have pickled quail eggs (Cajun and Dill) that people absolutely love in this area. Dianna sells the eggs quicker than she can make them!! It is a lot of work but she said she enjoys it. Wolfe Quail Farm sells the pickled eggs for $8 a pint. There are shipped in a medium flat rate box with delivery confirmation so the total cost for shipping is $12.10. Dianna made me feel comfortable about asking questions and even welcome the questions. If we managed to do everything the way, we are supposed to do, then in about 3 weeks, we will be ordering more eggs from Wolfe’s Quail Farm.

Whether you are in the market for pickled quail eggs or just want some eggs to hatch yourself; then send an email to Dianna Wolfe at with your questions or orders.

Happy Quailing!

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Teresa Fikes
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