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Briggs Cook MD: What the Browlift can do for you!

Briggs Cook MD: What the Browlift can do for you!

Briggs Cook MD: What the Browlift can do for you! By Briggs Cook MD

As we all age, Briggs Cook MD recognizes that so does our skin and stretched out skin is inevitable for anyone. Even though you cannot stop or even reverse the aging process with current medical technology, you can indeed make it look a lot better and when it comes to frown lines and burrows of the forehead. Briggs Cook MD points out that sometimes the way to go is a lift. One of the very first steps after deciding that you would like to undergo a brow lift is to find a certified and experienced plastic surgeon, such as Briggs Cook MD, that specializes in brow lifts. From there you can then set up a consultation with the surgeon to discuss further available options regarding your impending lift.

Deep behind and well hidden past the hairline, Briggs Cook MD goes on to explain that the surgeon will make a series of incisions from which to perform the forehead lift. After these incisions are made, the surgeon will then use an endoscope to ensure that all the muscle mass and underlying tissue is in good condition and fix or realign any that are not right. From there, Briggs Cook MD finds that the surgeon will then pull the forehead skin tight and begin to close up the incisions. Any extra skin left will then be cut away and you will be sent off to recover from the procedure.


Just like any other surgeries, Briggs Cook MD include that there are a number of possible risks and complications which can be associated with a forehead lift. Some of these possible risks and complications can range from things like unsightly scars, hematoma, infections, slow wound healing, anesthetic allergic reactions, blood clots, hair loss at the incision points as well as an elevated hair line. Furthermore there is also the possibility nerve injuries, skin necrosis, asymmetry, eye irritation and even skin irregularities. Briggs Cook MD recalls that it is important to discuss all these risks with your surgeon to make sure that you understand them before agreeing to undergo the procedure.

While a brow lift can be expensive and cost as much as ,000, Briggs Cook MD highlights that this is a rarity and most forehead lifts will range from ,000 to ,000 which for most people is either affordable or it is a low enough amount that working out an in-house payment plan is an option. As recommended by Briggs Cook MD,  remember to ask your surgeon about these in-house payment plan options if they are available.


Dr. Briggs Cook is North Carolina’s go-to cosmetic surgeon. If you are struggling with aging issues, and you can see it on your face, then Dr. Briggs Cook is your doctor. Dr. Briggs Cook is board certified with over 10 years of experiance. Currently, Dr. Briggs Cook owns and runs the Skin Center of North Carolina, with two other locations.

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