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Carol Danford’s Chicken Bog Recipe

Carol Danford

Carol Danford and William Fikes

This recipe has a special meaning for all the members of my family.

Carolyn Faye King Danford was my mother-in-law. Although, we did not always see eye to eye on things we did agree that family should stick together no matter what. She said remember the ones you love, care for them, teach them and you will never go wrong.

When I first started creating a website she was very interested in what I was doing. She bombarded me with many questions on who would see my writing and what is was all about.

She was diagnosis with breast cancer in 2000. She underwent chemo and radiation over the next 18 months.

Then she asked me to keep her memory alive by posting some of her recipes for the world to see. She wanted her family to remember her and the things she done for them. She had wished that her mother had shared more of the her recipes with her so she could have taught her grandchildren the dished she grew up with. The recipe that follows is one that Carol served often when her only son brought his six children over to eat at Mawmaw’s House.


Chicken Bog
by Carol Danford

Whole Chicken, cut up
8 large Potatoes, chopped
4 meduim Onions, chopped
8 Carrots, chopped
1 lb link Sausage, sliced into bite size pieces
Salt and Pepper to taste

Place the chicken in large pot. Cover it with water and bring it to a rolling boil. Turn the heat down to a simmer. Then cook for 30 minutes. Then add remaining ingredients to the pot of chicken. Bring back to a boil and boil this for five minutes, stirring often. Then reduce the heat to a simmer. Allow it to cook for another 30 minutes.

Serve with:

Iced Sweet tea


On April 2nd, 2002,  after learning the cancer had spread to her brain. The doctors finally released her from their care and told her to do what she needed to do as they had done all they knew to do. My husband and I, along with his father, packed up everything we could in a Uhaul truck, mini van, Chevy Calvier, and his father’s car to make the trip to Wilmington, North Carolina. With my husband with two kids in the uhaul, me and a kid in the mini van with our birds, our 16 year old daughter and 14 year old son in the calvier followed by Pawpaw and Mawmaw in their car made the long 14 hour trip to take her home before she would not be able to make the trip. She wanted to see her brothers and sisters. And she wanted to walk on the beaches again while she still could.

It was her last wish to do this and it was gonna happen. During those last few months, she enjoyed the beaches, the fresh seafood, family and seeing her parents home where her brothers live now.

Then it was time for her to really go home. Hospice offered her a stay with them where they kept her as comfortable as possible but with her family and friends surrounding her, she went home at 7:00 pm on July 7th, 2002. She is buried in Ash, North Carolina beside her parents, a sister and a brother in Smith Cemetery.


Teresa Fikes
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