Do You Have The Stomach For Farm Factory Animal Cruelty Videos?
I have watched a few very graphic and informative farm animal cruelty videos such as Meet Your Meat and I just have to tell you that I don’t have the stomach for them. Do you? Can you watch one of the many such videos out there which tell the tale of unmentionable, unimagionable farm factory animal cruelty and come away from it without a change of heart. Or are you like many that I have known who speak of their great love for animals and even demonstrate it in their lives and yet they tell me that they cannot bear to watch even one of these videos. They are far too sensitive and have far too great a concern for the animals that share our planet and should be our friends, so they tell me that they just have to refuse to view such a disgusting display. Some of these folks are so passionate and exhibit such a clear love for our animal population that I have often wondered what these same people are thinking when they close their eyes to incomprehensible cruelty.
If you are a meat eater than you are directly responsible for the abject cruelty that the above referred to videos portray. You are not an innocent bystander to these horrendous atrocities, YOU DID IT! You are directly responsible for the perpetuation of the most heinous acts that the human mind can fathom, and your responsibility grows with every hamburger you ingest. Every time you and I have ever visited Colonel Sanders or Jack in the Box or Burger King we were the cause of the untold suffering of an intelligent, loving, loyal, innocent animal.
The question in my mind is this: How can you say that you love animals and at the same time continue to be responsible for the torture of so many? Do you fancy yourself a very caring and sensitive human being? If so then how can you close your eyes to such brutality? If you refuse to watch even a video of these atrocities on the grounds that you are too sensitive, how will you ever prove it? People who truly care about the plight of our animal friends might not be able to stomach the video but they certainly would never help with the acquisition of the footage. They could never be a party to such horrible atrocities.
If eating the flesh of intelligent, sentient creatures was necessary to sustain human life I would be the first to agree that they need to be killed and eaten. I do not put an animal on the same level as a human being. A child’s life is more important than that of a dog. That is my belief. Nevertheless it is also my firm belief that there is no living soul be it human or animal that should ever be treated cruelly.
Farm factory animals are not treated as living souls but as mere products. They are moved through an assembly line as if they were no more than a piece of steel being cut and bent and formed in order to fashion a bumper for an automobile. These poor animals are viewed as no more than inanimate objects and are treated as such. This cruelty is not merely that which occurs at the slaughterhouse but rather it is the norm throughout the totality of their miserable, artificially shortened life.
I ask you now to click the link I placed at the beginning of this article. Watch that video from beginning to end if you have the stomach for it. If however, you can’t make it to the end due to sensitivity then you are the more guilty if you ever again eat the flesh of one of these innocent souls.
Will your health suffer for not eating animal carcasses? No it will not! Actually you will live longer, while decreasing your chances of a heart attack, stroke, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and a host of other infirmities. As an added bonus you will be greatly aiding the healing of our environment. But most importantly you will be helping to protect the animals that can’t protect themselves. You will become their voice since they themselves cannot speak.
Should you choose to continue to be the cause of such brutality, you have not broken any laws of this land. But please don’t waste time pleading your case that you love and care for the animals that share our planet. In reality it matters very little how adamantly you declare your great love for animals, because certainly your actions are speaking so loudly that no one can hear what you are saying…
I am passionate about health issues, and the state of the health of our wonderful America. I believe the American Diet is literally killing us and I believe that lobby money is the reason that we have been brainwashed into the shift from a plant based diet to an animal based diet. The result has been an unprecedented increase in heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and cancers of all varieties. I believe Americans are suffering from a lack of truthful information concerning our diets. I enjoy writing articles that will help to correct the problem regarding this lack of information and also examine the prevailing misinformation in the light of truth.
Healthy Vegetarian Choices For Life
Dedicated to the advancement of informed choices that will benefit our health, our environment, and our animal friends.
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Farm Animal care

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