Sunnyside Lane Hobby Farm

Sunnyside Lane Hobby Farm Foods Fried Collard Greens

Fried Collard Greens

Collard Greens for cash! That sounds like a great idea. The more you eat the more you make for the coming year. Wow! I will be eating a lot of greens even though I don’t believe in this personally. I just love Collards. I grew eating them here in Alabama.



Collards (Photo credit: YoAmes)


Fried Collard Greens










Wash the collard greens thoroughly removing grits and critters. Remove the stems from the leaves. Tear or Chop the leaves of the Collard into smaller bite size pieces. Set aside.


Fry Bacon crispy in an Iron Skillet on high to medium high. Do not add grease or oils. Bacon supplies the grease you will need.  Remove the bacon from the bacon grease. Add the greens to the skillet with the bacon grease.  Slowly add hot water to barely cover the greens. Hot water will not break the iron skillet like adding cold water to it. Cook on high heat until the water has almost cooked completely away. Then add onions, bell peppers, salt and pepper.


Stir until completely mixed together. Cover skillet with a lid; reduce heat to low. Simmer for roughly 30 minutes.


To serve: Spoon fried collard greens on a plate and top with crumble bacon.


This is great with Grits, Cornbread and Sweet Tea.


This is a recipe my mother fixed for us as children growing up. I hope you enjoy it as much as we have. I would love to read your comments below.

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